Protembis - TechVision Fonds


It is very gratifying that minimally invasive surgical methods for serious conditions are being developed and tested more and more frequently. This also includes minimally invasive aortic valve replacement, one of the most common heart surgerys in Germany. But as is often the case when something is new, not all side effects are recognized right away. During aortic valve replacement, for example, it is quite common for calcium deposits to break loose in the vessels during the procedure, reaching the brain and causing severe damage. 9% of the patients suffer a stroke, many damages are less striking, but lead to later secondary diseases such as dementia.

Problem recognized – but what now? Karl von Mangoldt and Conrad Rasmus, the founders of Protembis, have an idea! A filter is needed that keeps the dissolved particles out of the brain arteries and thus prevents damage to the brain. This is the birth of ProtEmbo®, a catheter-placeable filter, permeable to blood but a barrier to all dissolved particles.

We are a bit proud that together with Coparion, Abiomed and other investors we were able to finance the clinical trials for an approval of ProtEmbo® in Europe. So far, all results are promising. Thus an important innovation – minimally invasive aortic valve replacement – will also be a safe innovation for patients. Is there also a short form for this? Yes: Restore the heart. Protect the brain. The Protembis claim is the essence of this story.



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