ECMO has been around since the 1970s. And it is an extremely important technology for supplying oxygen to people with lung damage. So it’s good to see founders like Christof Lenz and Dr. Oliver Marseille, who founded hemovent in 2013, rethink such an important technology and ultimately revolutionizing it.
Smaller. Lighter. More gentle on the sensitive blood that has to flow through it. And: completely without electricity. The system draws its energy solely from oxygen pressure. That is unique.
And when such a system becomes smaller, lighter, cheaper and more independent, it often opens up to other areas of application and gives more patients access to a technology that is vital to their survival. For example, patients with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), whose numbers are increasing worldwide.
So it’s no surprise that our partnership couldn’t be for life – the successful exit was unstoppable, so to speak. We are happy to stay on the ball and continue to follow this story, because it is far from over.
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